Friday, 6 May 2016


I needed to use the scissors this morning & as I finished with it. I looked at it carefully & I see that, the scissors models an ideal couple.

Let's see some lessons every couple should learn from the scissors so that we can become better couples & build enviable homes.

LESSON 1. The scissors is always in pairs & that's where its usefulness is. Once you see one part & the other part is not there, it is useless no matter how beautiful it is. The effectiveness of every marriage is lost when couples are not together. Separation & divorce destroy the effectiveness & usefulness of every marriage.  Remember, 'united we stand, divided we fall'.  Separation is not only when you separate physically & you are no longer living together. There are many couples who are together under the same roof but are spiritually, emotionally, sexually, financially, socially, etc separated.
Are you sure you & your spouse are not separated in one of these ways?

LESSON 2: The togetherness of scissors is not automatic. There is a small bolt or pin that fixed the scissors together in the middle. In the same vein, if couples must be bounded together like this scissors, there must be 'bolts' that must fixed & wed them together that will make them inseparable. Some of the 'bolts' are

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