Was in a gathering one day when this young man walked up to this other young lady, wrapped his arms round her and gave her a sweet peck on the forehead. The young lady returned this romantic gesture with a scathing look, I watched with interest how the guy was able to get her to smile back after about 10mins. It didn't take long for me to notice their solemnization rings, thus confirming their married status. I was really happy for them considering the fact that I just had a show down with my spouse too at that time. I wished my Dipo too would come and get me out of the mood he left me (or that we left each other...lolzz), and just as I was tantalizing on how I would do my own shakara, I heard this very loud hiss behind me. I turned back to see a young lady, twisting her mouth and face in what obviously seem like contempt. Then she blurted out the next sentence which captures the entirety of my message... 'That's how all these couple will be deceiving us as if all is well with them, if we check how they behave at home now, it may be totally different from what they are showing us here o, dem dey here dey form Romeo and Juliet'.
Wow! what an interesting line of thought, little did she know that she launched my line of thoughts into another direction. First, I knew she obviously didn't watch the couple's drama from the beginning, maybe she met it after the reconciliation but then another question that comes up is that, do couples