Was in a gathering one day when this young man walked up to this other young lady, wrapped his arms round her and gave her a sweet peck on the forehead. The young lady returned this romantic gesture with a scathing look, I watched with interest how the guy was able to get her to smile back after about 10mins. It didn't take long for me to notice their solemnization rings, thus confirming their married status. I was really happy for them considering the fact that I just had a show down with my spouse too at that time. I wished my Dipo too would come and get me out of the mood he left me (or that we left each other...lolzz), and just as I was tantalizing on how I would do my own shakara, I heard this very loud hiss behind me. I turned back to see a young lady, twisting her mouth and face in what obviously seem like contempt. Then she blurted out the next sentence which captures the entirety of my message... 'That's how all these couple will be deceiving us as if all is well with them, if we check how they behave at home now, it may be totally different from what they are showing us here o, dem dey here dey form Romeo and Juliet'.
Wow! what an interesting line of thought, little did she know that she launched my line of thoughts into another direction. First, I knew she obviously didn't watch the couple's drama from the beginning, maybe she met it after the reconciliation but then another question that comes up is that, do couples
really pretend when they are outside their comfort zones? Are people really happy being married, or just coping because of fear of the outside world? Is the lovey-dovey air we see around most couples, a make-up? If yes, why would one pretend all is well when it's really not? So much started going through my mind and the first questioning asked myself is 'Yetunde, are you happy being married? Is this all you have envisioned that being married will be?
Well, your guess is as good as mine, naturally my mind went through all the challenges I've had, especially the recent one, oh boy, I was so quick to say 'nah, this isn't what bargained for at all' and just as quickly as I said that another question came to my mind, Is life all you have imagined it will be? Are you where you planned to be yet? The answer was also another NO! Then the major question, has this made you stop living? Hmnnnnn, tough one! Well then, if you haven't stop giving up on life because you are not where you thought you will be, then why think that way about your marriage. You may not be where you want to be, but you are definitely not where you used to be. Then a lot of happy memories came up to my mind, times of sacrifices, times of passion, times of dedication and I felt tears rush through my eyes.
Most times, our current pain blinds us to the happiness we've had going on for us, but we forget that it's just part of the process. Nothing great came out without its own story of challenges, if we all gave up because of these challenges, then what will become of the promises God gave us as couples. Many people have gone out of line because of the same line of thought this young lady had, not wanting to be hurt, thus going out of God's plan for them. It's God's wish that a man and woman, irrespective of their differences, come together as one, to fulfill purpose and not try to do the work of two people alone.
I figured our mothers in past generations didn't really have a full knowledge of how God wanted marriage to be, but something told them the right way to comport their marriage. Yes, they went through a lot to keep their marriage together and they can give us testimonies of it, but we have a better understanding in this dispensation but we let it slip through us because it seems simple. So what if we have challenges, it shouldn't stop our display of love and affection because love is a natural feeling not pretense.
Men love, women submit! Love conquer all, and that was what these couple just displayed. Yes, they obviously have their issues but they sorted it out and went back to their love life which is what we should all do. Don't hold on to grudges too long, life is too short not to enjoy it and who better to enjoy with than the one you love, so if your display has been all about pretending to be happy, I think both of you should take a break and tackle the issue, truth is the same people you are pretending to, will be the first to carry the news of your downfall. So quit the pretense and work on the getting the flames back out, we can't pretend for long. Once the fire bins inside, it automatically radiates on the outside.
.....so I ask myself and everyone reading, DO YOU REALLY LOVE YOUR SPOUSE? if yes, then rest assured, with God everything will workout fine., because both of you are BETTER TOGETHER...
Happy weekend everyone, the rains should make this weekend happier for you and your SPOUSE.... As you can see, I am setting my mood for the weekend already! *winkwink *
What a great giveaway! Thank you for your wonderful review,It inspires me a lot. Keep posting.