Tuesday, 5 August 2014


There a lot of misconceptions about marriage we have been nurtured with as we grew up, especially as Africans. A lot of culture has been doctored in our subconscious about how to conduct ourselves in our marriages. I have nothing against our culture, it has helped us in some ways, but we should understand that GOD instituted marriage not culture, thus only God standards should be upheld in our marriages not what culture dictates to us. This is the sole reason why a lot us come to a point in our marriage where we feel like we need to take a breather and some actually walk out on their marriages, meanwhile if we had chosen our partners according to God’s word not Culture, it will always be easy to go back to God and commit your spouse to him.

· Culture says ‘you are not getting any younger, your mates are all married while some have children, just flow with any man that comes your way that appears like the man of your dreams’ but God says ‘Don’t flow with the tide, I know better and my time is the Best, I will give you the one after my heart’

· Culture says ‘if he/she is not from your tribe or neighboring tribe, don’t get married to them, but God says ‘There’s neither Jew or Greek, everyone is the same before me’

· Culture says ‘a man can have a wife at home and have concubines outside, having many children is a proof of his virility, but God says ‘a man would leave his father and mother and CLEAVE to his wife and will be one body with her, keeping the marriage bed undefiled’

· Culture says ‘your child is your partner and thus should be kept closer to you than your spouse, God says Two shall become one flesh and NOTHING shall by any means separate them’

· Culture says ‘when your spouse offends you, teach her a lesson he/she will never forget especially if the offending party is a female, but God says when your BROTHER offends you, forgive him 70x7 times, how much more the one in whom you have become one flesh with’

· Culture says ‘ when you become a wife, you need to focus only on your husband and children’s desires, but God says Marriage is a HIGHER calling, it’s not just about your family, there is a reason why both of you have been brought together to fulfil his purpose here on earth by reaching out to others and being a source of blessings to the nations of the earth’

· Culture says ‘ if your spouse cheats on you, pack out of your marriage and forget the person ever existed but God says you do worse and I forgive you, how much more you forgiving your own flesh, he says I know you are hurting but lean on me and trust me for everything, remember you took an oath to stay for better for worse’

· Culture says ‘it is normal to cheat after all you are human, but God says I have given you a higher life, a better covenant with your spouse, because sex is a covenant, you leave a part of you with whoever you sleep with’

· Culture says ‘Familiarity breeds contempt but God says Familiarity births concept’

In all, you will notice how culture speaks to us subtly and how we align our thoughts towards that direction, but the truth is that GOD is the author of marriage and all we should think about when we come to a standstill is ‘What would GOD have me do right now?’ because his plan never fails, and as long as Marriage is his plan, your marriage will never fail too, if you trust him all through. Wish US the best!

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