Tuesday, 29 July 2014

DEAR MEN......

Thank you for accepting us the way we are, even though you sometimes do not understand how we are wired, you still stick with us. Thank you for always giving us the thrill of a good chase when asking us out. Those beautiful rhymes of poetry you display either verbally or written, rendered to woo us into falling into your arms. Some of us know what you really want, that is why we give you a hard time for your time’s worth. Some of us take pity on you and just express... our minds to you so you don’t waste your time, not like some of you get the message on time. Believe me when I say women are gifted with good instincts, though not all of us are sensitive to it. We can tell when a man is fooling around with us and when he is really serious, we deliberately give ourselves in to the adventure of what the positive outcomes would be.

Thank you for being patient through all our demands after we eventually say YES to you. We have so many conflicting emotions that even we are confused sometimes, and through our mood swings, you try everything possible to make us happy. You spend time with us, take us shopping/buy stuffs for us, and spring up surprises, all just to make us happy. You make us feel super special and important to your world by giving us your total attention.

We notice that you have your weaknesses too but we understand that no one is perfect and so we try to compliment yours up with our strengths.

Thank you for never forgetting our birthdays, the way you make the day come alive for us and make other girlfriends turn blue with envy. Oh yes, added to that are the long talks on phone that makes us chuckle and everyone around us just know we are talking to that one special person.

We could go on and on of the list of things to be thankful to you for but now that we have said “WE DO” to you, can we still be thankful for these things? When was the last time you wooed us again like you used to? Have you forgotten it was part of the things that endeared us to you? Do you still look at us and see that ‘babe’ all your friends used to tease you about back then? You used to want us around you then, do you still crave our presence that much or the children and other things has taken over our place? Did we mature out of the Laws of Love and Attraction? Don’t get us wrong, we know you Love us but can it be compared to when we started this journey together? If yes, why is the act of showing Love decreasing? Why does it seem like the things we see them portray about married couples in Nollywood and Hollywood are unreal? Is it not achievable?

Your humble opinion please.....

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